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2/10/2023 - Weekly newsletter for Run Move Connect members!''


Hello to all of our RMC Members,

We hope you have all had a lovely weekend and ready to get kick started in to your week!

Gee we are excited for this time of the year and we can't wait to share it all with you!


SAVE THE DATE for the RMC family Christmas party which will be held on Sunday the 10th of December from 12pm. We are still finalising details for the day but expect food trucks, games for the kids and maybe another appearance from Santa this year!


Next RMC Social event

Our next Run Move Connect Social Event has been locked in for Saturday the 14th of October at the Lost Captain! We'll be there for lunch/nibbles after the Huonville Hilltop Hike event for anyone who would like to join. If you want to pop in briefly or stay for a couple hours, we have tables booked outside from 12-2pm.

Partners, family and friends are all welcome. To RSVP please book in through your booking portal just like you would for any sessions. Please message Brad directly on 0410035601 if you have any extras coming along :)

We look forward to seeing you all there!



Please book via our booking portal.


Social Saturday

Congratulations to all of our Social Saturday attendees on another successful time trial! A big thank you to Social Saturday leaders Darcy and Dylan and another big thanks to our time keepers / photographers Karen Weger and Al Callaghan plus chief photographer, Lucy Callaghan. We have such an amazing community!

Please click here for your results.

Thank you to those who were fantastic background actors in Claire Anne Taylor's music film this weekend after your run. We can see some real potential in your acting skills and we will be sure to ask you when another opportunity comes up. Check out Claire's music and it is incredible!


PCYC Huon Valley and RMC Join Forces

PCYC and RMC are joining forces together with support of the Alcohol and Drug Foundation to provide youth, between 14-20 years of age, a free 20 week all-access membership. This is a fantastic opportunity for youth that are finishing winter sport and looking for an activity to participate in through the summer period, an inactive adolescent who is wanting to engage within their community in a healthy and positive manner or simply a teenager who wants to exercise along side their parent or friend.

Please reach out to Bianca Jackman at Huon Valley PCYC via email - or drop in to the centre through the week

Exercise Physiology and Personal Training at RMC

We are very excited to announce that Hannah Squires (Exercise Physiologist) and Annie Cordwell (Personal Trainer) will be taking on individual sessions in September.

More information on specific session details will be provided in the coming weeks but please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any burning questions.

Watch this space!

Brad Kitto is taking individual running coaching already for those who have specific running goals or targets. He is always up for a chat if you have questions on this form of individual training.


Running Event News

Huonville Hilltop Hike- RMC would love to do the best we can to support this amazing, local event. A fantastic initiative has become an annual event to support the mental health of the Huon Valley youth. This year, funds are being raised for The Huon Valley PCYC Youth Drop-In Centre, extending its vital services to more days a week aiming to keep young community members off the streets and provide a safe place to gather and be supported. Hilltop Hike 2023 happens on Saturday, October 14th, starting at 10am at the Huon Valley PCYC. If you would like to join team RMC to walk or run for a big reason, please click HERE.


DOVER FUNRUN - Boasting one of the most scenic fun run routes, the Dover Fun Run takes runners along the foreshore of Port Esperance, with stunning views of the bay and the iconic Adamsons Peak. The Dover Fun Run (Tassal Ten and Annabelle’s Run) was born out of a long-standing desire to give back to the community, in thanks for the wonderful support for the Skinner family in their time of need. This running event is a fundraiser! All profits will go the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) at the Royal Hobart Hospital. You can also donate to PICU during the registration or on the day. Online registrations close Friday, 3 November 2023 at 11 pm. Numbers are limited! Join team Run Move Connect by clicking HERE to register!


POINT TO PINNACLE - Run Move Connect have entered a team for this years Point to Pinnacle event. This is one of Tasmania's most iconic road running events, starting at Wrest point Casino, participants head up Mount Kunanyi for a challenge of a life time. There are 2 events, the 10km finishes at the Fern Tree Tavern, the half marathon finishes at the top of the mountain! This year, Run Move Connect are lucky enough to receive a 20% discount on all entry fee's for the event! If you would like to join Team RMC follow the link HERE and use the discount code when checking out "runmoveconnect23".

Bruny Island ultra marathon relay - That's right, it's that time of year for one of Tasmania's most enjoyable distance running events. It's not very often you get to participate in a distance running event like this in a relay style.

Get a team together from 2-8 people (ideally, no more than 6) and travel from the top of Bruny Island (Dennes Point) all the way down to the bottom to the lighthouse. 1 team member runs at a time whilst your team vehicle meets you at your next check point. Check points are at every 2km. You can ran as far or as little as you like.

We know there are lots of people interested in this event this year. If you are keen to organise your own team please go ahead. If you are wanting to participate and don't have enough people to make a team, please message Brad directly to show your interest. We will do our best to find a spot for everyone.

If you require more information on this event please see the link below






Huonville Hilltop Hike


Huonville (PCYC)

2km up Scenic Hill

Dover Funrun



2km kids race, 5km, 10km

Point to Pinnacle



10km, 21.1km

Bruny Island Ultra Marathon Relay


Bruny Island

64km (broken into 2km intervals for relay)

If you have any questions about any of the events and would like to find out more please get in contact with Brad.


Running/Walking session details

See below for your session plans this week

Check your booking system for location of run sessions.

Tuesday 26th of September- (Rolling 3 min reps + 90s reps)

3 x 3 min progressive efforts / 90s recovery between

extra 30s rest

4 x 90s efforts / 90s recovery

15:00 run + 9:30 min recovery = 24:30

Thursday 28th of September (Hill$)

3 sets of the following

60s hill effort / back down recovery

50s hill effort / back down recovery

40s hill effort / back down recovery

Please don't hesitate to contact Brad if you have questions about these sessions.

Tuesday/Thursday mornings and afternoons (6:00am, 9:00am, 4:30pm, 5:30pm): Huonville Recreational Oval.


RMC Studio Details- Strength/Cardio/Recovery/ Mat Pilates



  • Reversal is a fantastic way to teach members about opposing muscle groups and opposing movement patterns.

  • We can teach you about pushing versus pulling, hinging verses squatting, adductor versus abductors, extension versus flexion, anterior versus posterior trunk loading.

  • Again, this is fantastic for mobility and function and reducing overload.

  • The whole body will be challenged throughout this session and you should walk away feeling well balanced.


  • Please take SWEAT TOWELS and drink bottles with you throughout the session.

  • Please advise the instructor if you have any new or old injuries that they should be aware of or will impact your training. We will support you with your exercise and provide alternative exercises.

  • Please be prompt to classes as we aim to start demonstration on time.


Feedback Form

We get amazing feedback from our members and it continues to assist us meeting the needs of our members and providing the best service. We thought it is time to make this an 'official' form and we welcome your feedback.

Please click on the link here and fill it out, as you desire.


Booking/Membership Info

Click here for booking, membership plus our terms and conditions


Youth Engagement Program

Please click here for more information on our Youth Engagement Program


Spaces App to easily access our membership portal

Download the "spaces" app by wix now to book sessions, check what's coming up, read the latest news letters and shop our online store!

If you're having trouble finding the RMC portal on the app, follow this link and it should take you there -



All of our Run Move Connect members receive a 12.5% DISCOUNT on all shoes from The Running Edge. The Running Edge provide a free gait analysis and expert shoe advice to make sure your walking (or running) away with the right pair of shoes for you! Just mention on purchase that you are part of Run Move Connect (show them your R.M.C. key ring) and they will be sure to look after you.

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