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Social Saturdays

Social Saturdays at RMC:

  • Free 5km run/walk

  • Open to RMC members and Huon Valley community

  • Starts at The Reba Sear cafe @ 8am

  • Enjoy coffee and connect with mates after!

Welcome to the highlight of the week - 'Social Saturdays' at Run Move Connect (RMC)! We're thrilled to invite not only our valued RMC members but also the entire Huon Valley community to join us for a free, organized 5km run/walk that promises an amazing start to your weekend.


Every Saturday morning at 8am, we gather at The Reba Sear cafe, ready to run or walk a mapped-out 5km route. Lace up your running shoes or slip into your comfiest walking gear - Saturdays are designed to accommodate both runners and walkers of all abilities and fitness levels. It's the perfect opportunity to get moving, challenge yourself, and connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for an active lifestyle.


Beyond the physical benefits, 'Social Saturdays' are all about building a strong sense of community and fostering friendships. After the run or walk, we invite you to stay and enjoy a well-deserved cup of coffee with your newfound mates. It's a time to relax, unwind, and share stories of your fitness journey while basking in the positive energy that surrounds us.


No matter where you are on your fitness path, we welcome you with open arms. 'Social Saturdays' provide a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone can feel comfortable and inspired. It's not just about the distance covered; it's about the connections made, the laughter shared, and the collective sense of accomplishment that fuels our spirits.


So mark your calendar, spread the word, and join us this Saturday for a memorable experience. Whether you're looking to improve your personal best, enjoy a leisurely walk, or simply soak up the uplifting atmosphere, 'Social Saturdays' at Run Move Connect are the place to be.


Together, let's embrace the joy of movement, forge new friendships, and celebrate the beauty of the Huon Valley community. We can't wait to see you at The Reba Sear cafe as we run, walk, and connect every Saturday morning at 8am!

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