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05/02 Weekly Newsletter For Run Move Connect Members!


Hello to all of our RMC members.

What a huge month January has been for RMC. We have seen a whole heap of new members come on board to see what RMC is about which is fantastic. Please find below all the usual segments + some info on class bookings, time arrivals and cancelations.

We look forward to seeing you all for another big week of training!


Class Reminder

It is essential for all members to book into the sessions they plan on attending. Everyone will receive a confirmation email once you have booked in for a class. Please aim to arrive 5-10 mins before your class start time to ensure you are there for the session brief, demonstrations and any individual attention you may need.

Arriving on time allows our classes to flow well and our instructors to focus their time on supporting newer members or specific technique needs. If you are going to be more than 5 minutes late to a class we recommend you cancel and reschedule for another time.

Those who plan on spreading the love of RMC to their friends please ensure they have signed up and booked in to the session. We provide a free one-week trial to allow this, but we need to know how many members we will have in classes to ensure everyone is able to participate safely and comfortably. Our instructors will meet them on their arrival in to class and provide an induction.


New Members in Our Class

With the growth of new members in our class, it is important that we provide clarity around the session plan and member expectations.

Our instructors will spend time with the new members at the start of the session to explain class set up, class movement and warm-up demonstrations.

We want you to enjoy your session and get the most out of your class- please do not feel to need to demonstrate any exercises as we will promptly get to our new members and help them. Please feel free to take someone under your wing and support them with class movement - for example telling where to move to next but most importantly DO YOU.

We will have two instructors at the busy time of 9:00am to support our amazing community.

We are here for you to provide the best experience so please let us know if you have any feedback.


Access to PCYC After Hours

The PCYC access code for the month of January is - 742085# This code will only open the front door and is only to be used for any classes that start outside of our opening hours. (9am to 7:30pm, 5:30pm closure on a Friday).

Any issues with accessing in the morning call the following instructors:


Session time

Annie - 0409016420

Mon PM, Wed AM

Hannah - 0439 203 229

Mon AM

Jas- 0438 053 476

Wed PM, Friday PM

Paige- 0400 254 727‬

Tues/Thurs PM



The PCYC is now offering RMC members a discounted rate for their kids to use the Fun Factory while they are in an RMC class ($4 per child). We know at times in can be difficult to keep our little ones engaged whilst mum or dad exercise. We hope this helps assist parents finding time to fit their exercise in. Outside of RMC classes the rate per child will remain at $10 per child. If you intend to utilise the Fun Factory whilst in a RMC session could you please aim to arrive early and pay prior to your RMC session starting.

We would love to thank the PCYC for their ongoing support in what continues to be a great working relationship in looking out for and supporting the community where we both can.



Please book via our booking portal.


New RMC Beanies!

Our newest addition to our merchandise range, beanies! Orders are still available.

Purchase beanies HERE.


Social Saturday

Time Trial! Another great turn out for our monthly time trial event. To view all of our results from this week and previous results, follow the link HERE


Running Events News

Run The Bridge!

Run the Bridge is only 2 weeks away! One of Hobarts premier running events, providing options of a 5km or 10km distance to participate in, both events travel over the Tasman bridge! A great experience and awesome event to be part of. Last year we had over 20 RMC members and would be great to see another big turn out for the 2024 event.

To join Team RUN MOVE CONNECT please click HERE. To get 20% off your entry use the code "RMC20"into the promo code section.






Run The Bridge



5km and 10km

Hobart Marathon Festival


Hobart (Salamanca)

2km (kids), 5km, 10km, 21.1km, 42.2km

Join team RMC HERE

City to Casino


Start at either My State Bank arena, Cornelian Bay or Salamanca Place. All races finish at Wrest Point Casino

12km, 7km or kids 2.7km

If you have any questions about any of the events and would like to find out more please get in contact with Brad.


This weeks running sessions details.

Tuesday 6th of Feb (Steady/Harder fartlek)

5 sets of -

2 min effort / 60s rec / 30s effort / 90s rec

12:30 running + 12:30 recovery = 25 min total.

Thursday 8th of Feb (Longer Tempo + Short reps)

7 min effort, 2 min recovery

5 min effort, 2 min recovery

3 min effort, 2 min recovery

4 x 45s efforts / 45s recovery

18 min running + 8:15 recovery = 26:15 total

Social Saturday 10th of Feb

5km Social Run or walk.

Sunday Long run 11th of Feb

Long run with coach Norris, Time and Location TBC (check Wix bookings system closer to date)

Tuesday/Thursday mornings and afternoons (6:00am, 9:00am, 5:30pm): Huonville Recreational Oval.


RMC Studio Details- Strength/Cardio/Recovery/ Mat Pilates


  •  The focus is on very slow and control movement patterns, particularly on the stretching out of the muscle

  • You shoulder feel the stretch in the muscle on the lowering phase of the exercise.

  • We encourage and emphasise the slowness of that phase of the exercise (for example- straight leg deadlift- very slow on the lowering down- feel the stretch through their hamstrings)

  • Eccentric exercises allow the muscle to tear to then build stronger and bigger muscles and is a fantastic way to get stronger faster

  • Moderate to heavy weight is recommended

  • As it is a slow movement, ensure they maintain great trunk control and technique throughout


  • Please take SWEAT TOWELS and drink bottles with you throughout the session.

  • Please advise the instructor if you have any new or old injuries that they should be aware of or will impact your training. We will support you with your exercise and provide alternative exercises.

  • Please be prompt to classes as we aim to start demonstration on time.


Personal Training/Exercise Physiology at RMC

Personal Training with Annie

Meet Annie, our new Personal Trainer, at Run Move Connect. Annie is ready to take clients from next week. Click here to book.

Personal training sessions are a fantastic opportunity for those who have specific fitness and health goals, are more comfortable in a one on one setting or would like benchmark physical testing with goal development.

Your personal training session will involve the following:

  • Fitness and physical assessment

  • Development of health and fitness goals

  • Designing a tailored exercise program based on fitness assessment and personal goals

  • Providing an induction in to the gym setting, if required

  • Demonstrating and guiding appropriate lifting techniques in the gym setting

  • Providing supportive and motivating environment to encourage positive lifestyle modifications.

Our personal trainers work alongside Exercise Physiologist, Hannah Squires, to provide a collaborative approach to exercise, health and overall wellbeing.




RMC Member: $85 per hour

Non RMC member: $95 per hour



RMC Member: $50 per 30 minute session

Non RMC member: $60 per 30 minute session


We are happy to discuss small group sessions. Please get in touch with Han or Annie to discuss.

Visit our website for more information

Exercise Physiology with Hannah

We are very excited to announce that Hannah is up and running with Exercise Physiology consultations in our RMC Studio (Pilates room).

Hannah has been an accredited Exercise Physiologist for nearly 10 years and is very excited to offer her service to our community.

An Exercise Physiologist (EP) specialise in the delivery of exercise of people with chronic health conditions, undergoing rehabilitation, pregnancy and sub-elite and elite athletes. Exercise Physiologist base their practice around prevention and management of chronic health conditions and developing rehabilitation program to improve strength, function and mobility of the body, all of which is supported by up to date, relevant and reputable researched information.

EP consultations include health history evaluation, goal setting, physical and functional assessments and exercise development and delivery.

Exercise Physiology is Medicare and Private Health rebateable.

Hannah is very passionate about her field of expertise and wants to support community in getting moving in a safe, supportive and achievable manner.

To book a session, please click here 

Please reach out if you have any questions about our new service:

0439 203 229

Visit our website for more information


Class Cancelations/minimum class bookings

For all RMC Studio classes with 0-2 members booked into a class, RMC will notify participants 3 hours prior to the session starting if they can make another session. RMC will then decide if the class will be cancelled and removed from the booking system.

To assist with this, we ask that if you plan to do a session, please aim to book in as soon as you possibly can. We understand that sometimes it can be hard to book in too far in advance due to family, work etc.

If you can't make a session please make sure that you cancel your booking as soon as you are aware you can not attend. This is essential for all sessions. We are aware sometimes this is not possible especially for parents with young families and appreciate everyone's understanding.


Feedback Form

We get amazing feedback from our members and it continues to assist us meeting the needs of our members and providing the best service. We thought it is time to make this an 'official' form and we welcome your feedback.

Please click on the link here and fill it out, as you desire.


Booking/Membership Info

Click here for booking, membership plus our terms and conditions


Spaces App to easily access our membership portal

Download the "spaces" app by wix now to book sessions, check what's coming up, read the latest news letters and shop our online store!

If you're having trouble finding the RMC portal on the app, follow this link and it should take you there -



All of our Run Move Connect members receive a 12.5% DISCOUNT on all shoes from The Running Edge. The Running Edge provide a free gait analysis and expert shoe advice to make sure your walking (or running) away with the right pair of shoes for you! Just mention on purchase that you are part of Run Move Connect (show them your R.M.C. key ring) and they will be sure to look after you.

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