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09/01/2022 - Weekly newsletter for Run Move Connect members!


What a magic weekend to enjoy some sunshine and fresh air.

We hope everyone has enjoyed their summer holidays, if you were lucky enough to get them. The Huon Valley is a special place to be in during this period and we have loved seeing our members around the community enjoying what it has to offer.

All Tuesday running sessions will be held at the Ranelagh Showgrounds for a hill repeats running session (they are fun, believe us).

See below for a timetable update


Timetable and Booking:

We have a change for our early morning running sessions from 6:15am to 6:00am.

7:30pm strength sessions will also return this week.


Supporting Local Business

This week we are supporting The Mind Body Coach, Belle Wright. Read more about Belle and her fantastic business below. We believe to achieve optimal health it is about working on both your mental and physical health and having the right sources around you, is vital to achieve this.

"I have long had a passion for helping and empowering individuals to become the best versions of themselves. I have had the pleasure of doing this for the past 5 years, through personal training, habit coaching as well as working as a 'mental health practitioner' following my psychology degree at the University of Tasmania.

From August 2022, I launched 'The Mind Body Coach', my own health and wellness coaching business.

I have a warm hearted and authentic approach to coaching and would love to help those struggling to manage stress in their lives. I understand that everyone is unique and individual and my approach to coaching focuses on just that, YOU and YOUR lifestyle. I provide a safe, client centred and non judgemental space to listen to, and to understand your needs, goals, barriers and worries.

Sessions are conducted via video calls so they can be done from anywhere."

People can find me at:

Facebook - the mind body coach

Instagram - @the_mindbodycoach

We understand the importance of supporting local business and we, through RMC, have had the privilege to meet some amazing business men and women. If you, your family or a close friend own a business in the Huon Valley, we would love to support you and advertise your business in our new segment for our weekly newsletter.

Please send us a short bio, your logo and we will be proud to advertise your work. Send all information to our email-


Running/Walking session details

See below for your session plans this week:

Tuesday 10th of January (Meet at Ranelagh Show grounds Charlotte st car park)

Hill reps

4 x 60s hills

4 x 45s hills

4 x 30s hills

Walk/slow jog down between

2-3 min rest between sets

Thursday 12th of December

Broken tempo/interval/tempo

2 x 4min (2 min recovery between)

6 x 45s on/45s off

extra 1:15 min recovery

1 x 4min

16:30min running/ 9:45min recovery

Please don't hesitate to contact Brad if you have questions about these sessions.

Tuesday/Thursday mornings/afternoons (6:00am, 9:00am & 5:30pm): Huonville Recreational Oval.


Strength Session Details


  • Heavy load with very basic movement patterns

  • If technique is proficient and you feel comfortable with the movement pattern then challenge how heavy the weight is.

  • This is a fantastic bench mark for you and to see how far you have come

  • We are here to support you with your exercise so please do not hesitate yelling out for technique help.

  • Always chat to Hannah if you want to learn more about resistance exercise and its benefits.

  • All sessions are designed and developed by Hannah, if you have any feedback, please pass it on.

  • If you have any new or old injuries that you are carrying, please don't hesitate to let Hannah or Brad know so we can tailor the program to you. It is so important for you to feel supported and cared for at your Run Move Connect sessions.

  • Please take SWEAT TOWELS and drink bottles with you throughout the session. We have new RMC sweat towels, don't hesitate to purchase one if you struggling to find one.


Social Saturday

This was our first session for 2023, Just like in 2022, we have a goal to not miss a Social Saturday for the entire year! Be with us on this journey and enjoy the weekly reward at the end from Reba Sear.


COVID Update

We thought it would be a good time to remind everyone on the RMC recommendations around COVID, close contacts and illness at our sessions.

If you are unwell with cold or flu symptoms, please conduct a rat test and don't attend classes if symptomatic. If you are asymptomatic and tested negative, then you can return to classes.

If you are a close contact, we recommend that you conduct a rat test straight away. We have encouraged individuals to wait at least 2 days, after exposure to a Covid positive case, before coming to classes. The infectious period is two days prior to developing symptoms after contact with a positive case.

If you are asymptomatic and test negative, then you can return to classes after this two-day period.

For further information, please follow this link

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact. We are here to keep our community safe and well.


New app to easily access our membership portal

Download the "spaces" app by wix now to book sessions, check what's coming up, read the latest news letters and shop our online store!

If you're having trouble finding the RMC portal on the app, follow this link and it should take you there -



All of our Run Move Connect members receive a 12.5% DISCOUNT on all shoes from The Running Edge. The Running Edge provide a free gait analysis and expert shoe advice to make sure your walking (or running) away with the right pair of shoes for you! Just mention on purchase that you are part of Run Move Connect (show them your R.M.C. key ring) and they will be sure to look after you.

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