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14/11/2022 - Weekly newsletter for Run Move Connect members!


Hello Members New and Old,

We have had a very exciting week this week and what a lovely way to finish our week at Willie Smiths.

Little appreciation post for our instructors and the amazing classes you are taking. B and Annie, you are a lovely addition to our team and we are so excited for the future with you both.

Few little updates below for you below for the upcoming months, please see below.



No changes to our timetable this week.

Run Move Connect will be having a short break over the Christmas period from December 26th to January 1st. We will be providing you with home workouts to complete through this period.

Classes availability from January 2nd to January 8th will be slightly reduced depending on demand of class sizes. We will update you on this closer to the time.

We understand that our families love to get away with their families and our instructors need a little break after an amazing 6 months of RMC.


Social catch up (welcome Annie Cordwell!)

Thanks to all who came to join us Friday evening at Willie Smiths. It was great to catch up with you all and to officially congratulate and welcome Annie Cordwell to the team. Annie has been working hard to complete her cert 3 in fitness over the past 3-4 months and has shown great passion, maturity and love in the short time she's spent with RMC. Hannah has been working closely with Annie to mentor her through the start of her career in the fitness industry.

Annie is a born and raised Huon Valley local currently completing her studies in Fitness and Personal Training whilst also serving you all delicious coffee and treats at Reba Sear Cafe. Having predominantly worked in administration, Annie left her office job to pursue her love of health and fitness. Annie has always had a passion for all things health and fitness having been heavily involved in competitive netball from a young age, and in more recent years being involved in the Huonville Lions women’s football team. Annie’s love for competitive sport has been put on hold for the past year whilst coming back from an injury which is when she rediscovered her love for strength training.

Annie believes that strength training is an empowering form of exercise that can leave you feeling like you can achieve anything after a good session. In her spare time, Annie loves to spend time with her partner Will, friends and family and her little dog Duke. Annie believes in creating an empowering and comfortable environment where everyone feels empowered and strong, inside and outside of the gym and can’t wait to start seeing you all in the RMC studio.



RMC is locked and loaded for a big end of year Christmas celebration!

When: Friday 16th of December 5:30pm

Where: Huonville lawn bowls club

What: Social lawn bowls, light dinner provided

Cost: $10pp

RMC have booked out the bowling green for the night! We would love for as many of you to join us as possible so we can celebrate the year it's been. More details to come, please RSVP via members portal booking system or message Brad for more info.

Members family, partners and friends are always welcome. The event has been added to the members portal booking service. Please book in ASAP and with any extra numbers you would like to bring along to help catering purposes :)


Work with Us, We are funny!!

We are still looking for an empowering, uplifting and motivating instructor to join our amazing team. If you know of anyone in the fitness industry that this may interest, let us know.

For more information, click

They can email us directly at


Running/Walking session details

See below for your session plans this week:

Tuesday 15th of November

"Steady effort / recovery / harder effort / recover"

5 min steady / 60s recovery / 60s harder / 90s rest

4 min steady / 60s recovery / 60s harder / 90s rest

3 min steady / 60s recovery / 60s harder / 90s rest

2 min steady / 60s recovery / 60s harder

26:30 total - 18 running - 8:30 recovery

Thursday 17th of November

"Tempo reps/ shorter/ tempo reps"

2 x 2 min tempo (90s between)

8 x 45s (60s between)

2 x 2 min (90s between)

26:30 in total - 14:00 running - 12:30 recovery

Please don't hesitate to contact Brad if you have questions about these sessions.

Tuesday/Thursday mornings/afternoons (6:15am, 9:00am & 5:30pm): Huonville Recreational Oval.


Running/Walking news and events


Registration and event information can be found here. Remember to register under the team "Run Move Connect".


Strength Session Details

  • Strength focus this week will be RECOVERY. RECOVERY will be focussing on bodyweight and not using the weights for Monday and then slowly introducing light weights on Wednesday. It is a great way for our members to reduce their load and allow their bodies to have a rest.

  • We are here to support you with your exercise so please do not hesitate yelling out for technique help.

  • Always chat to Hannah if you want to learn more about resistance exercise and its benefits.

  • All sessions are designed and developed by Hannah, if you have any feedback, please pass it on.

  • If you have any new or old injuries that you are carrying, please don't hesitate to let Hannah or Brad know so we can tailor the program to you. It is so important for you to feel supported and cared for at your Run Move Connect sessions.

  • Please take SWEAT TOWELS and drink bottles with you throughout the session. We have new RMC sweat towels, don't hesitate to purchase one if you struggling to find one.


Social Saturday recap

Thanks to all that came along for another cracking Saturday morning 5km run/walk.

We will have our 5k time trial on this coming week (19th Nov) for those wanting to test themselves and have their time recorded.

RMC will have some members running the Point to Pinnacle event, those members will be expected to take it easy on Saturday :)


Youth Engagement Program

We are so proud of our Youth Engagement RMC members. As some of you are coming to the end of your 6-week program, we are happy to announce our brand new "youth membership" option. Priced at $15 a week, we hope to see our youth engagement graduates continue to run and get strong within our community.

Brad and Hannah are very passionate about getting the whole community moving and this includes our Huon Valley youth. This program is tailored for 10-18 year olds within our community who are interested in getting active. This program is ongoing currently and would like to continue this for the youth in our community.

If you know of any families with children or adolescent that this program may interest, please don't hesitate to contact Hannah or Brad via email on



Hoodies shouldn't be far away, something to keep us warm with this unpredictable Tasmanian weather.

Don't forget to check out apparel options, we are fully in stock with black and white hats and sweat towels plus our t-shirts have a very short turn around. Please get your order in online at our shop here.


New app to easily access our membership portal

Download the "spaces" app by wix now to book sessions, check what's coming up, read the latest news letters and shop our online store!

If you're having trouble finding the RMC portal on the app, follow this link and it should take you there -



All of our Run Move Connect members receive a 12.5% DISCOUNT on all shoes from The Running Edge. The Running Edge provide a free gait analysis and expert shoe advice to make sure your walking (or running) away with the right pair of shoes for you! Just mention on purchase that you are part of Run Move Connect (show them your R.M.C. key ring) and they will be sure to look after you.

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