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The week ahead for Run Move Connect members!


Hi all, we hope you've enjoyed a great weekend and ready to get stuck into your sessions this week! Below is our timetable for the week ahead along with some other information and details on our first social event!

This weeks running session details

Run session Tuesday 07/06/22

3 x 3 min (90s rest between)

2 min rest

6 x 60s (60s rest between)

3 min reps aimed to be controlled, tempo efforts. moving into the 60s reps we want to increase our pace and intensity. A good session working 2 different gears.

Run session Thursday 09/06/22

Tempo + Gerschler fartlek!

6 min tempo, 2 min rest

2 sets of -

30s on - 90s off

30s on - 75s off

30s on - 60s off

30s on - 45s off

30s on - 30s off

30s on - 15s off

Starting off the sessions with a longer tempo effort then into our fartlek. 30s reps with diminishing recovery time. A good opportunity to work at slightly faster paces than we have previously. Recovery paces will look different for everyone depending on fitness levels.

This weeks strength session notes

  • All exercises will be explained in detail with demonstrations provided.

  • Aim to arrive 5-10 minutes prior to sessions starting. This will allow to time to chat with Hannah if required and to ensure we start all sessions on time.

  • Please remember to bring a towel and drink bottle to all sessions!

Run Move Connect house keeping

Bookings - Thankyou to all of our members for booking ahead for your sessions to allow your coaches to plan ahead. If you have booked your session and for whatever reason can no longer attend could you please remember to cancel your booking as soon as you know you can not attend the session. This is especially important for our strength sessions as spaces are limited.

Social event! - To celebrate our 1st month of Run Move Connect, we would love to invite you and your family to Willie Smiths on Friday afternoon for a few knock off drinks and dinner if you can hang around. This will be a great chance to catch up with everyone and connect with all of you. Please let us know if you can make it via the booking system through the members portal. Feel free to arrive from 5:30pm, we would love to see you there!


All of our Run Move Connect members receive a 12.5% DISCOUNT on all shoes from The Running Edge. The Running Edge provide a free gait analysis and expert shoe advice to make sure your walking (or running) away with the right pair of shoes for you!

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